October 1, 2008

Mariko's Car

For those of you that don't know, I recently moved out of my apartment in Philadelphia and am now living in Somerville, MA. One downside to this move, however, is that I no longer am living with former roommate, Mariko Terasaki. But, in what I like to think of as a way to stay together, if not live together, she asked me to paint her car. Keep in mind that Mariko does not have a beat up, rusting, paint-chipping car. She has a gorgeous Volvo with an equally gorgeous paint job. But she asked, so she got what she wished for.

This image is from the painting process this past weekend to give you an idea of what it will look like. There will be plenty more coming soon.

1 comment:

Mariko said...

blakey! you should post your side profile pic cuz you look beautiful. also, could you add that bluegray shape again? (i really liked it).