I see you are featuring a notable artwork from my collection. Ming gave me the notebook for Christmas, and it is loverly. I peruse it occasionally, a source of pure enjoyment.
Would you be so kind as to supply a little info on its history? Its date, for example. And I gather it did a national tour; I'd appreciate if you provide me with the name of the tour, its organizing sponsor, and the cities it visited.
-- It is relationships between the visual and the personal. It is creating art that exists outside of this world and outside of my mind. I am not depicting real places or real beings, but instead am moving between control and loss of control of the medium, hoping to discover a new world somewhere in the middle. It exists as a reality, as a space, consummated through the viewer's connection to the piece. Certain areas of each piece are intended to attract attention, but this may not be obvious at first. After looking a little further, we discover these areas, however, humbly, but strongly, holding their own. Some call these "lima beans" --
1 comment:
Dear Blake:
I see you are featuring a notable artwork from my collection. Ming gave me the notebook for Christmas, and it is loverly. I peruse it occasionally, a source of pure enjoyment.
Would you be so kind as to supply a little info on its history? Its date, for example. And I gather it did a national tour; I'd appreciate if you provide me with the name of the tour, its organizing sponsor, and the cities it visited.
Distinctive work as always,
Matthew Flannery
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